Who We Are

 Confident Parenting consists of a team of award-winning sleep, potty-training and behavior consultants as well as a comprehensive network of experts and resources for all your parenting needs. Born in 2011, our mission is to be your village of support as you navigate your parenting journey.
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 Our Services

Our sleep, potty-training, mealtime, behavior , & transition services are available virtually for families in any location. 

Why Parents Love Us

“[I] contacted her to help me with my daughter, who was pee pee potty trained for almost a year but putting on a pull-up to poop and for bedtime. After one phone call she helped us solve both issues.”

Amanda Schwartz

“Within days of implementing Erica's suggestions, our son was putting himself to sleep in his crib and sleeping through the night.”

Cathy McVey

“Within 72 hours of implementing your strategies to help her poop on the potty she was over her fears and the whole family could laugh about the term "poop door.” 

Hilary Waller

“Our son would normally scream for about 20 minutes each night in his crib before he fell asleep...within two nights he fell asleep with less than 5 min of crying - AMAZING!!” 

Craig Jones

Our Village


To make life easier for you, Confident Parenting has gathered a network of partner resources providing virtual and in-person education and support for the challenges growing families face. Whether you are a first time parent or veteran, a traditional or alternative family, it takes a village and you can build yours  here. 

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